Physical Therapy

Protect Your Back While Gardening

It’s springtime!  And that means a season of gardening and yard work is here.  Although it can be therapeutic to be outside enjoying nature, it can take a toll on your body, especially your low back. “When gardening, the majority of your movement takes place in a bent position and when prolonged, can lead to [...]

2017-11-21T19:09:34-08:00By |Physical Therapy|Comments Off on Protect Your Back While Gardening

Health Benefits of Pilates

Pilates looks deceptively easy, but it’s the tiny movements that help improve balance and core strength.  Pilates does this by reinforcing the connection between mind and muscles, helping to engage the right muscles in the core.  This leads to better posture and movement control.  Research suggests that the core strengthening perks of Pilates may also [...]

2017-11-21T19:06:52-08:00By |Physical Therapy, Pilates|Comments Off on Health Benefits of Pilates

Embrace Cross Training to Achieve Your Health Goals and Avoid Getting Bored

“If you are looking for an exercise regimen you can stick to, you may find more success if it is designed around the basic theory of cross training,” says Karen Turner-Schlegel, Physical Therapist.   Karen owns her practice in Encinitas where Physical Therapy and Pilates are blended for total wellness, “I see many clients experience success [...]

2017-05-19T10:20:21-07:00By |Cross Training, Physical Therapy|Comments Off on Embrace Cross Training to Achieve Your Health Goals and Avoid Getting Bored
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