
Breathing Improves With Better Posture

Based on an Actual Client Testimony I had a client who's main goal was to improve posture so that their breathing and lung capacity would improve.  Seems simple, right?  But because of old habits, sedentary job duties, aging and limitations in lung capacity, it was a process.  As we re-trained their posture through Pilates exercises, [...]

2020-04-07T16:47:12-07:00By |Healthy Living, News, Physical Therapy, Pilates, Posture|Comments Off on Breathing Improves With Better Posture

Success Story: Actual Patient Case Report

Karen is much more effective than a traditional physical therapy clinic.   Karen has a unique approach and can help get the root of your problem quickly!  Here is an example of an actual patient who tried traditional physical therapy (where there is limited time with a Physical Therapist) but never felt improvement, in fact, [...]

2020-04-07T16:48:16-07:00By |Exercise, News, Physical Therapy, Pilates|Comments Off on Success Story: Actual Patient Case Report

Exercise is the Miracle Drug

And nearly everyone can add more exercise into their lives… You have more power than you think to shape your health destiny - The secret is Exercise! Exercise is the key to health, wellness and longevity and the latest research is showing how exercise can lower medical costs, improve sleep and increase productivity at work.  [...]

2018-04-27T16:20:07-07:00By |News|Comments Off on Exercise is the Miracle Drug

Break the Pain Cycle with Exercise

There is relief for those who suffer with arthritis pain -- Exercise can help break the pain and fatigue cycle!  “Exercise helps people who suffer with arthritis experience less pain, more energy, improved function and a better night’s sleep,” says Karen Turner-Schlegel who owns her Physical Therapy and Pilates studio in Encinitas.  Without exercise, you [...]

2018-02-27T17:00:25-08:00By |Exercise, News, Physical Therapy, Pilates|Comments Off on Break the Pain Cycle with Exercise

Balance and Flexibility

Winter Olympics Highlight Importance of Balance, Flexibility As millions marvel at the world’s top competitors performing athletic feats on cold, wet and slippery surfaces during this month’s 2018 Winter Olympics, Encinitas Physical Therapist Karen Turner-Schlegel sees an ideal educational opportunity for local athletes and fitness-minded people -- There are two elements of fitness that often [...]

2018-01-29T19:08:08-08:00By |Exercise, Healthy Living, Physical Therapy|Comments Off on Balance and Flexibility

Use Fitness Apps in 2018… but Use with Caution

As more people continue to use health apps on their smartphones to help achieve weight loss and exercise goals, it’s important to use such tools with an element of personal caution, says Encinitas Physical Therapist Karen Turner-Schlegel. According to a report by the firm ‘Research2Guidance’, more than 325,000 health apps were available to consumers in [...]

2017-12-31T07:41:19-08:00By |Exercise, Healthy Living, News|Comments Off on Use Fitness Apps in 2018… but Use with Caution

Ward Off Holiday Stress Through Exercise

When the holiday season leaves you sleepless and tense from the stresses of commitments, crowds, shopping and entertaining, Encinitas Physical Therapist Karen Turner-Schlegel has a suggestion: Sweat away that stress by making exercise a part of your holiday tradition. “Pretty much any form of exercise, whether it’s walking, running, lifting weights, or of course Pilates, [...]

2018-11-27T09:38:41-08:00By |Exercise, Healthy Living, News, Physical Therapy, Pilates|Comments Off on Ward Off Holiday Stress Through Exercise

Annual Physical Therapy Checkups are Essential for Healthy Aging

Movement is Medicine! We all know that visiting your physician for an annual physical is critical in maintaining long-term health, just as dental exams twice each year helps ensure oral health throughout a lifetime. But what about annual checkups with a Physical Therapist? Annual physical therapy checkups provide the third critical (and often overlooked) piece [...]

2017-11-15T12:39:13-08:00By |Healthy Living, News, Physical Therapy|Comments Off on Annual Physical Therapy Checkups are Essential for Healthy Aging

Physical Therapy vs. Medication for Chronic Pain

October is National Physical Therapy Month. And as medical professionals across the U.S. work together to expound the benefits of Physical Therapy, Physical Therapist Karen Turner-Schlegel of Encinitas is joining the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) in highlighting a topic that affects the lives of millions: Opioid awareness (i.e. Vicodin and OxyContin) More specifically, says [...]

2017-11-21T18:59:10-08:00By |News|Comments Off on Physical Therapy vs. Medication for Chronic Pain

Rise Up At Work… In The Name Of Health

It’s been said that too much of anything can be bad for you. And according to Encinitas Physical Therapist and Pilates instructor Karen Turner-Schlegel, this theory holds true with sitting – or, pretty much any prolonged sedentary behavior, for that matter. In an age when more people find themselves sitting for hours at a time [...]

2017-11-21T19:13:01-08:00By |News|Comments Off on Rise Up At Work… In The Name Of Health
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